Scroll through our articles below by subject or by category:


Adding To The Scriptures: The Story of I John 5:7b,8a

A Brief History of the Criticism of Bible Translations

A New Reformation

A Texas Goodbye

A Textual History of the King James Bible

A Time For Patience

Addiction: The Power of Choice

Are Sandwiches and Contemporary Bible Translations Wrecking the World?

As The Tree Leans

Back To Our Roots

Baptism For Remission

Barney Breyfogle's Slope

Basic Reformed Theology Explained and Exposed by Brenda Nickel

Batteries Included

"But I Can't Forgive Myself!"

Clothing Matters: What We Wear to Church

Critical Military Theory

C. S. LEWIS’ Introduction to LETTERS TO YOUNG CHURCHES: A Translation of the New Testament Epistles by J. B. Phillips

CUTTING AND SELF-MUTILATION: Contributing Factors and Treatment

DEAR CHURCHES: You’re killing yourselves, and this is how

Death of the Trinity, The

Deity In Drag?


Did Someone Find the Doctrine of the Trinity In the Name of God? Why is God’s Name “Elohim” Plural in Genesis 1:1?

Diversity—A Potential Identity Thief

Discerning False Doctrine

Doctors Paid to Push Drugs

Does The Bible Condemn Judging?

Does Galatians 3:28 Erase All Gender Distinctions?


Don't Myth The Boat

Dropping Out: Why Young Adults Are Leaving Our Churches

Earth Day Predictions in 1970


Federal Student Aid and the Law of Unintended Consequences

FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT: An Exposition of Luke 1:15

Figuring God Out

"Hair In History"

"Go, Stand, and Speak"

"He Leadeth Me"

HELL: How is the word used in the Scriptures? Is It Eternal? Is It Just? "

How To Destroy Both Country and Church

Is College Worth It?

Is Dispensationalism Dead?

Is “Mutual Submission” in Marriage Conveyed in Ephesians 5:21-25?

Is Palestine In The Bible?

Is Tradition A Bad Word?

It Happens At Midnight

Jesus, The Christ

King James and His Translators

KJV Preface by Translators

Loving Discipline

Make-up: Is It Contradictory To the Word of God?

Men Arrested For Topless Bathing

Men, Women and Equality in the Creation Marriage Model

Mixture and Separation

Multiculturalism: Fact or Threat?

No Spin Zone

One More Reason

Paying the price for breakdown of the country’s bourgeois culture

Polygamy in the Bible

Power and Purpose in Prayer

Position Paper On Divine Flesh Doctrine

Pornography Addiction

Psychiatric drugs and your child�s future

Psychiatric Drugs: The Bane of Our Generation

Purpose Driven Ecumenism

RELIGIOUS SYNCRETISM: The Trend Of The 21st Century?

Resurrecting A Failed Concept: The Return of American Protestantism To The Social Gospel

Review of Searching The Scriptures

Should Psychology Be Integrated With Oneness Pentecostal Theology?

Simplifying the Bible Translation Issue

Sinners In The Hands Of An angry God

Spiritual Wholeness

Speaking of Personal Pronouns: Is the Holy Spirit an “It” or a “He”?

Ten Reasons Why Handheld Devices Should Be Banned for Children Under the Age of 12

The Black Hole of Information That Is the Key to the Newtown Massacre

The Broken Cistern Syndrome


The Great Commission in Luke

The Face of “Progressive” Christianity

THE GAP THEORY: A Trojan Horse Tragedy

The Integration Of Psychology With Scripture Explored In The Light Of Galatians 1:6-1

The Intercession of Christ For Sinners

The KJV vs. Modern Translations

The King In An Open Closet

The Leaven of the Pharisees

The Light Doctrine

The Mysteries of Codex Bezae

The Myth of Binding Satan and Taking World Dominion

The Place of the Shema in the Life of the Christian

The Three Destination Doctrine

The Truth About Labels

The Way

The Wisdom of The KJV Translators

The UPCI and Televangelism

Theophostic Counseling

The Translation Wars

Uncommon Sense

Was Junia A Female Apostle?

We Are Not The World

What About Christians Celebrating Holidays?

What About All Those Words And Verses That Are “Omitted” In The Contemporary Versions?

What Happened In the Labs With Covid-19

Whatever Happened to Evangelism?

What Not To Say To Those Who Are Suffering

Why Evolutionists Hate The Bible

Who Founded the Pentecostal Movement?

Who Won the Cold War?

Why Miguel Died

Why So Many Americans Today Are Mentally Ill

Will The Real Episcopalians Please Stand UP?

Where Psychology Falls Far and Short

Why the Declaration of Independence Still Matters: The Declaration of Independence vs. the Constitution

Writing From A Right Mind

Yik Yuck

Where To Find Help in the Bible
