In The Presence of His Glory eBook

  • Model: eBook
  • 137 Units in Stock


by E. L. Holley
James, Peter, John and Jude were outstanding men of God in the NT church. They wrote insightful, hard-hitting epistles to their fellow Christians. Their words have been preserved because they are as relevant today as when they were composed in the first century. E. L. Holley walks us through these NT letters verse by verse with salient comments and insights. It is as if he was looking over their shoulder as they wrote. This new exposition of the General Epistles by a master teacher will be a welcome addition to any minister�s library. This was a portion of the Scriptures he dearly loved to teach from. You will love them more than ever also after you have been guided through them by Brother Holley. No minister or Sunday school teacher should be without these valuable lessons from a genuine wordsmith of our time.

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 19 September, 2018.

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