About Advance Ministries

This ministry was founded to encourage ministers, Bible college students, laymen, and Christian workers of every stripe to become avid readers, lovers of truth, and publishers of the Word: “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” (Psalm 68:11). God told Habakkuk to “write the vision and make it plain” (2:2) because He intended for His message to be read. He Himself inscribed the Ten Commandments on the stone tablets with His own finger. He wrote on the wall of Babylon. He wrote on the ground in the courts of the Temple in Jerusalem. God wants us to be readers—and writers!

We are committed to publishing and marketing good books study materials with “sound words” (II Timothy 1:13). Profit is not our objective. Sowing the Word in the hearts of men, sharing the message of the cross, and holding high the banner of truth and righteousness is our only motivation.

J. R. Ensey's Personal Testimony

© 2010 Advance Ministries